Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Everything is Awesome

Hello, August. You sure arrived quickly this year. It seems just like yesterday I was shooting off fireworks for July 4th. This August, there are a lot of awesome things going on/things I'm focusing on:

College Graduation Anniversary: I walked across my University's stage, accepted my diploma, and hoped I wouldn't fall down the stairs just four years ago. I spent my last summer there finishing one class, writing a 72 page research paper over Sex Education, and counting down the days to August.

Reading What Alice Forgot: I read the first eight chapters of this book while paddling around in the apartment pool. I felt a little crazy with my random bursts of laughter, but this book is plain awesome so far.

Meal Planning: Like I mentioned yesterday, I'm starting to meal plan to save time after work. I enjoy cooking, but sometimes after work all I want to do is plop down on the couch and read or watch Netflix. Meal planning is great so far, and I definitely love using the crockpot to cook the major part of the dinner while I'm away at work.

Exercising: I started going to the gym again thanks to Kevin's persistence. He goes about 5-6 days a week, and he always encourages me to go. I finally gave in and went on Saturday and thought I was going to pass out on the elliptical because I'm super out of shape and haze zero endurance.

Saving Money: I set a budget and created a huge excel file to track everything, but I'm still not meeting my expectations. I cut down on a lot of spending, but somehow these things pop up and blow my budget. Life happens. My car died last Friday, so I had to buy a brand new battery. That was fun and unexpected.

What awesome things are going on in your life this month?

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