When I decided to do my No Dairy Challenge in June, I also considered my other bucket list item: no alcohol for a month. I decided cutting out both dairy and alcohol is too much to do at once, that surely I’d fail at least one of them. But then, on June 1, I decided it wouldn’t be too much – that I would complete both of my bucket lists items simultaneously.
I don’t drink too much nowadays – maybe two times a week. On the days I don’t drink, I have a lot more energy (duh) and of course I don’t feel shitty from hangovers (although I don’t get hangovers very often anymore). My favorite types of days are the ones where I wake up when the sun rises and take advantage of the entire day. I don’t like sleeping in even until 9 AM. After a night of drinking, though, I find myself getting out of bed around noon and then lounging around all day. Not to say that lounging around all day is bad. I do that probably once a week – where I mostly stay indoors and binge on Netflix. It’s relaxing. But on sunny weekends, I like to take advantage of the weather and the full day of possibilities.
I can see myself running into temptation this month. My favorite beer fest starts in two weeks. It has hundreds of beers to taste. But, I’ll buy myself the Designated Driver ticket and won’t try any. Last year I tried a lot of samples and ended up feeling terrible – not because I was drunk, but because it was so many different tastes and different strengths of beer. It was also about 100 degrees outside and me + sun + alcohol don’t mix too well.
I’m really looking forward to not only feeling amazing this month, but also seeing how much money I save by not drinking.

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